
4. まとめ




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10)Cui, M., et al., Improved analysis of manganese in steel samples using collinear long-short double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Applied spectroscopy, 2019. 73 (2): pp. 152-162.
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13)Quackatz, L., et al., In situ investigation of chemical composition during TIG welding in Duplex Stainless Steels using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Forces in mechanics, 2022. 6: p. 100063.
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■The emission spectrum measurement for the carbon steel with the sheet metal cutting laser and the identification of the carbon level using AI technology
■①Yohei Kawano ②Toshiya Kato ③Tadashi Imai ④Yudai Tagawa
■①~③HSG K.K. ④uniblo
①カワノ ヨウヘイ ②カトウ トシヤ ③イマイ タダシ
④タガワ ユウダイ

(月刊OPTRONICS 2024年1月号)


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