赤津 洋介 (名古屋大学)
■Automated Driving Systems in the U.S.
Steven Shladover (University of California PATH Program)
■Connected & Automated Driving in the Netherlands, a road operator’s perspective
Tom Alkim (Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
■French Program for Automated Driving Systems(仮) Christian Rousseau (Renault Group)
■Automated Vehicle Development Activities?in?Korea and KATECH
Si-bok Yu (KATECH (Korea Automotive Technology Institute))
- 参加費:
- 一般(非会員): 20,000円 /当研究会会員 : 無料
- 定員:
- 80名
- URL:
- http://www.oitda.or.jp/main/study/am/amstudy.html
お問合せ先:(一財)光産業技術振興協会 中野 博行
TEL: 03-5225-6431
FAX: 03-5225-6435