28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS-28)

28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS-28)


The International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), established in 1983, is acknowledged as the world’s leading conference on all topics related to photonic sensing technologies. OFS provides a forum for reporting and exchanging ideas on the latest advances in research and development on fiber-optic and photonic sensing. It has also contributed significantly to industrialization and standardization of the related devices and systems for field deployment. OFS is independently run and complies to the strictest standards for the evaluation of submissions.
The 28th OFS conference (OFS-28) will be held in Hamamatsu, a halfway point between Tokyo and Osaka, during November 20-24, 2023. Surrounded by the ocean, rivers, mountains, and Lake Hamana, Hamamatsu is a well-balanced city with lush nature and a lively urban environment. OFS-28 will offer plenary and invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, workshops, and exhibits from industrial partners.

The conference scope and topics will include but are not limited to:
1. Physical, mechanical, and electromagnetic sensors
2. Chemical, environmental, biological, and medical sensors and biophotonic applications
3. Interferometric, polarimetric, and laser-based sensors (including gyroscopes and resonators)
4. Micro- and nano-structured fiber sensors (including photonic crystal fiber and gratingbased sensors)
5. Distributed and multiplexed sensing and sensor networking
6. Environmental, security, defense, and industrial applications; technology commercialization and standardization
7. Smart structures (including structural health monitoring, digital twin, and photonics in additive manufacturing)
8. New elements (fibers, devices, and subsystems), effects (e.g., plasmonics), technologies (including nanophotonics), materials (e.g., meta- and structured-materials), and signal processing (e.g., machine learning) for photonic sensing
9. Integrated photonics, cavity opto-mechanics, quantum sensing techniques, precision metrology, and frequency combs
10. Other technologies (including imaging-related, spectroscopic, and those based on smartphone platforms).

お問合せ先:OFS-28 Secretariat